mandag 25. mai 2009

Suddenly Ministry gets a new HC

Im idling in #ministry and someone cries out for a HC. I feel needed....

Session Start: Mon May 31 03:24:51 2004
Zhukov> whats the problem?
Precursors> there is no problem, just wanted to talk to a HC
Zhukov> yes, Im a HC
Precursors> oh, sorry you weren't opped heh
Zhukov> I dont like beeing op'ed, I get to many pms then
Zhukov> I usually let the other HC's handle it
Precursors> well, a bunch of legion players started playing PA in this beta, we want to play rnd 11 so wanted to give it a shot. we're only a handful tho, 5-6, all over average of 100k now..but not in any alliance. thought we could be useful to an alliance in beta at least
Precursors> i know all alliances have strict rules for getting ppl in, vouches an all, all interviewing ppl..we just want to have fun in beta and see how it goes, but without an alliance fun wont last long =)
Zhukov> ministry just plays planetia
Zhukov> what legion players do we speak about?
Precursors> but i see ministry in pa?
Zhukov> Ive been in legion myself, so I prob know a few of em
Zhukov> I guess you will have to talk to one of the other HCs
Zhukov> I just deal with the planetia stuff
Precursors> me, ronin, shaitan, sephiroth, woppert, atolla
Zhukov> I know who ronin is, and I know atolla from r4/r5
Zhukov> hehe :)
Precursors> that is why i came here, looks like a decent alliance..not that we are going to all alliances one by one, but ministry has good average as we can see, and we're even above, thought we could be useful AND have fun :(
Precursors> cos we'll get bashed tomorrow, 5-6 of us cant stand vs 50 player ones heh
Precursors> 6 Ministry 8007 34 93.504 3.179.148
Precursors> this is even better than the #1 alliance now, but few members, only 34
Precursors> if we could join it could be like 40, and on 3rd spot going for 2nd straight
Precursors> currently ministry is at 6
Zhukov> btw
Zhukov> Im not Ministry in any way
Precursors> i would talk to a HC if i knew which one is active atm heh
Zhukov> so Ive just been playing you :)
Precursors> nice
Precursors> oh well
Zhukov> you should pm dinobot
Precursors> is he online now?
Precursors> i mean he seems afk
Zhukov> you didnt tell me anything I can use, since I dont play planetarion anymore, so no damage beeing done
Zhukov> he talks in the channel
thank you
Zhukov> he is always labeled afk
Precursors> ok will speak to him now
Session Close: Mon May 31 03:35:25 2004

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