lørdag 23. mai 2009

How to get into a galaxy (part II)

1) You use the information provided by the first fellow...
2) Whooops, your in a enemy gal :)
3) Notice how he wants me to join WP...

Session Start: Mon May 06 23:38:52 2002
grumpy> lo
grumpy> you got a space in your gal?
cruciple> hi
cruciple> yep
grumpy> what kinda people gonna be in it?
cruciple> we're making 3 gals actually
cruciple> what can you tell us about yourself
cruciple> =)
cruciple> I am guessing midnight recruited you?
grumpy> kinda, yes
grumpy> okey
grumpy> Im a 22
grumpy> comes from norway
grumpy> mostyl stays up all night
grumpy> mostly
grumpy> have played since begining of r4
grumpy> this round I ended at 40mill and 1.9k roids
grumpy> Im allianceless
cruciple> before havoc right?
grumpy> yes, before havoc of
grumpy> ofc
cruciple> good
cruciple> =)
grumpy> hang on, gotta catch some food from the microwave
cruciple> k
grumpy> *back*
grumpy> okey, what more you need to know?
cruciple> ok
cruciple> how many hours a day would you say you spend on irc?
grumpy> 5
cruciple> can you be smsed?
grumpy> yes
grumpy> Im from norway, everyone got mobile phones here, including my grandparents who are 70 :)
cruciple> =)
cruciple> would you be willing to join wp?
grumpy> I will, if it helps my galaxy
cruciple> why do you have no alliance currently
grumpy> the alliance I had, wasnt any good
grumpy> so I left
grumpy> and havent found any new, that I like
cruciple> how do you know midnight?
grumpy> I talked to him some time ago in #syrup, and he was the one who told me about the waffle project and so on
grumpy> I liked the idea, you can say :)
cruciple> =)
cruciple> and you will not quit midround by any means right?
grumpy> quit? nevah! but I cant be arsed to play havoc though
cruciple> ok
cruciple> seem ok to me
cruciple> which alliance were you in earlier also?
grumpy> been in MI and ICD
grumpy> have spinner given out details when the new round will start?
cruciple> 2 weeks most likely
cruciple> signups a week from now
grumpy> cant wait to start again :)
cruciple> and you can make all launch times?
cruciple> heh
cruciple> I almost forgot the 2 most important questions
cruciple> =D
grumpy> all? Im dont like 4.55 and 5.55, the rest is okey
cruciple> well all would be anywhere from 1:55-7:55
cruciple> 4:55 5:55 and 6:55 are the main launch times
grumpy> I did lots of 6.55 and 7.55, works like hell
cruciple> yeah
grumpy> most people are sleeping then
cruciple> but again, you will be able to make those other times right?
grumpy> if its needed, I can do it, just have to make an alarm clock then
cruciple> because that would make the difference between being in the midsized gal ar the hardcore one
grumpy> I know
grumpy> I want to be in a harcore top20-top30 gal
grumpy> Im thinking of heading to bed, after all its only havoc, so plan to get some descent sleep before pa begins again for real
cruciple> lol
cruciple> ok
cruciple> what is your worst quality?
cruciple> hard question I know
grumpy> Im not that eager at participating very much in an alliance, Im first and foremost a planet and galaxy man
grumpy> idling in the alliance channels, attacking and defending is all very well
grumpy> but Im not that "social" and stuff in my gal, prefer to be that with my gal, and in cluster alliances
cruciple> not that social in your alliance you mean?
grumpy> yes
cruciple> alright
cruciple> =)
cruciple> well you are ok by me
grumpy> tnx :)
grumpy> see you tomrrow then, same time?
Session Close: Tue May 07 00:04:37 2002

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