lørdag 23. mai 2009

How to get into a galaxy (part I)

1) Join an enemy server
2) Do a /list
3) change to some nick you havent used before
4) Enter channel
5) Some guy will pm you and you can easily sweettalk him...

(Im Grumpy, couldnt find a better nick since I already had used quite a few)

Session Start: Wed May 01 01:00:44 2002
Session Ident: MidNight (~d@2B3A2604.1E706C24.2310808E.1654620B.nbtel.net)
midnight> hello who are you ?
grumpy> Im just a guy
grumpy> who heard from a xan friend about you guys
midnight> ahhh ok
midnight> Who was the friend ?
grumpy> markdirdir
midnight> ahh ok :)
midnight> Nice to meet you then
grumpy> tnx
grumpy> so what exactly is waffle?
midnight> if you dont mind me asking- what allaince are you in ?
grumpy> none
grumpy> Im going to be in a xan gal next round
grumpy> hello?
midnight> waffle's is a coalition of xan gals actuallly..
grumpy> okay.. and?
midnight> and if your looking for a gal, talk to zen or Dropt ;p
grumpy> I might have a gal already
grumpy> but Im looking for a alliance
midnight> if you joined us we would help you into any of the 4 allied allainces composing the gal
grumpy> okey
grumpy> so this is sort of a new bull thing?
midnight> No, we wont be half as boring
midnight> ;p j/k
midnight> sort of but built on different principles
grumpy> interesting
grumpy> plz tell :)
midnight> Well for one we wont be farming or anything like that... we want to promote the importance of every member and not really focus on 'he is leader follow him' we wont kick people for asking questions etc...
midnight> but we will be a hard hitting group of gals requiring laucnes at 6:55-9:55
midnight> everynight
grumpy> nice
midnight> We done really well this round as one gal.. but we lost bad when the war with fos started, xan could not supply us enough defense
midnight> so we decided to make a coalition of 3 gals, and try to space the allainces out more
midnight> meaning some people in nos, others in xan etc
grumpy> but the ones who doesnt belong to nos, xan and so on
grumpy> they will have problems getting defence
midnight> this round it took them sending me over 100k attackers before I lost any roids
midnight> and I was not that b ig over a month ago
midnight> only 11 mil and 2k roids
grumpy> more like the legion gods galaxies of r5 then
midnight> well lol hope to god that we get to be #1, certainly what we are working at
midnight> round 6 we stood as only one galaxy. round 7 we will be 3, so we should have better luck
grumpy> good thinking
midnight> we had a high roid-score ratio.. we took high losses at top galaxies to get max roids.. we are fearless weaffles
grumpy> hehe, lemming runs ahoy :P
midnight> Yes, but it worked;p
midnight> we have/had a waffle hall of fame for our dead gals we attacked or helped attack
midnight> I dont know if it is still around or not
grumpy> what is the waffle gals coords
midnight> heh 6:1
midnight> but-like I said, we got owned
Session Close: Wed May 01 01:52:34 2002

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