lørdag 24. juli 2010

Trying to deny farming

I got into a argument with Logbat about farming. He denied farming, couse he didnt get enough people...

The text is in norwegian, since we are both from Norway.

Session Start: Wed Feb 20 18:59:11 2002
Session Ident: Logbat (Logbat@ti500710a062-0077.dialup.online.no)
du er norsk asså ja
du jeg farmer faktisk ikke :)
no kødd
du er jammen dyktig som klarer å ta en whois
nei gjorde ikke det
så du snakket norsk
så du farmer ikke?
bare resten av galaxen din?
nei seriøst
vi planla
men vi fant ikke nok folk
hvor dum tror du jeg er?
du og resten av galaxen din er en skam
en forbanna skam for pa
grunnlaget er?
jeg har fulgt med på 33:13..
og dere har definitivt farma
tror du ikke jeg ville ha hatt flere roids hvist jeg har farmet?
så hvorfor forteller legion folk meg, at dere ikke angriper enda, pga at dere er for busy med farming?
det forteller dine egne!
vi angriper jo vi
bare spør cluster vår det :)
jeg vet ikke om dere angriper nå
dette hørte jeg to dager etter at folk var kommet ut av protection
men vi joiner ikke angrep,for vi har jo 2 stk Bcer
ikke alle i legion er glade i farminga deres.. så de er litt sleivkjefta av og til
midtveis i runden så skal du få se combat jornalen min
mange av de så hva som var planlagt
så de tror jo på det
det er jo helt normalt det
nå er det ol
men gå ut på den måten og angripe folk verbalt som dere gjør er jo på jordet
19:30 er det ikke?
ne, det har begynt allerede
norge på 3 nå..
Session Close: Wed Feb 20 22:29:40 2002

His problem was that I also had read the thread where they discussed the practical side:


Galaxy Password: @3aZ5avgpa

Before you Let anybody that password there is a few things you have to make sure they know about:

- They must not tell anybody our coords or that they are farming for us!

- there is a man called Ucult, he will be GC. (He will controll and he will also be alot on irc)

-Tell them all to go for Cathar (this is cuzz they have to build score so we dont outgrow them.....but @ the same time they have to have metal to ini those roids

- if some of them can be scanners,they will recive hugs from me!
(try to tell them that in a non threating way)

Thats it...i hope we can fill this up asap and if you have a he/she that you want in that gal say so here so i know all the time how full that gal is.
And I hope you get this done ASAP!! so i dont have to think about this for to long :-) (not any last min signup!)

I can answer Q`s in irc if there is anything you wonder about!



If anyone has a spare credit plz use it on this ID: Your User-id: 019136



LX going to farm??

i have apreciated that ppl can tell me whos have ppl in that gal now! so i can push forwards.Seems like many want to play randorm free and farmers are hard to find!

and...... we also have to fill it up asap! So try to help finding ppl now.free credits is always easy to come up with.



And so on...

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